Dr. Zavras Lecture on Pediatric Airway

On March 3, Chairman of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Boston University and Professor of Dentistry, Dr. Zavras lectured at the Pediatric Sleep Disorders Symposium, a 2-day workshop for dentists. Dr. Zavras lecture was on issues of pediatric airway assessment and early treatment of ankyloglossia. During the panel discussion Dr. Zavras offered practical advice to orthodontists, pediatric dentists and general dentists on how to diagnose and treat airway problems.

Sleep apnea is associated with heart disease and other serious diseases in later life. Sleep apnea is a rare but serious problem in childhood. Children who snore require a comprehensive assessment to find out what causes the problem. Early identification and treatment is important. Convivial Dental is a pioneer in early airway assessment. Parents are encouraged to seek consultation if they notice that children snore.

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